
Up-to-date foreign corporate and compliance information is a powerful support tool and pillar for companies. Having accurate and detailed information is important when deciding which partners to do business with, which suppliers to buy from, or managing credit risk in a transaction.

Therefore, it is essential to assess its credibility in order to have a broader and better perspective in terms of risk management. By knowing the overall health of the firm and its portfolio, it is possible to know which partners are most at risk and should be more accurately monitored.

Solution details

International Business Intelligence

CRIF provides highly flexible solutions, with varying degrees of depth and complexity, which allow you to manage business risk, with data that assess the riskiness of a particular company and data that allow you to identify potential overseas partners, customers or suppliers.

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Monitoring Solution

CRIF's monitoring service can let you keep track of the company profiles of your new or existing commercial partners, enabling timely identification on the opportunities or threats behind the positive and negative changes!

Real-time Notification: Notifications will be delivered automatically once the changes occur
Making Fast Decision: Situation can be evaluated immediately and take necessary action without delay
Effective Credit Control: Update on company changes provides important information for risk assessments and credit recommendations.
Country Coverage of Monitoring: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lichtenstein, Lithuania, Netherland, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, San Marino, Serbia, Slovak, Slovenia, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom

Characteristics of CRIF

Group management of information

Easily manage the status of report acquisition for the entire group, including domestic and overseas affiliates

Support for obtaining financial information

Before ordering a research report on an overseas company, you can confirm whether or not financial information is available and, if so, when it is available.

Installation hurdles and scalability

No annual membership fees or other fixed costs are required. Low hurdles to introduction, and report information can be shared with affiliated companies.

24 hours a day, 365 days a year

Through SkyMinder, a user interface provided by CRIF, corporate information and compliance risk information from more than 230 countries and regions around the world can be obtained.

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